The diaryofannzasian's Podcast

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Tuesday Nov 15, 2016

intercultural relationships are one of the most DIFFICULT things to go through in life. Being born into a somewhat traditional family, I learned that there are certain rules and traditions that have to be followed when dating.
I get to learn some facts and you get to learn what it's like dating a filipina.
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Episode 2: Food

Tuesday Nov 15, 2016

Tuesday Nov 15, 2016

Eat Eat Eat...that's all we ever think about but what if you move countries? Will there be good or bad foods to eat? listen to my experience with this kind of thing!
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Tuesday Nov 15, 2016

Hi I'm Mian! Have you ever judged someone based on the way they talk? Or Have you ever had to use different languages to communicate with others? It's not easy to adjust to these things but with time, practice, and understanding, it gets easier! Here are my experiences with language and accents!
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